Month: February 2021

4. Understanding the Body Systems

With some introductions and some intuition about scale figured out, we need to take a quick fly by of body…

3. Understanding Scale & the Human Body

To start getting comfortable with understanding the body you are driving around, you’ll need an intuitive understanding of the size…

1. What Makes Learning the Human Body Hard?

Find a rock. Look at it deeply. Now compare it to your finger. If you could look inside both at…

The Beginning of Infinity & the “First Principles” of Progress

TL;DR A review of some key ideas from David Deutsch’s The Beginning of Infinity. The world is explainable, because of…

z10/10 – Understanding Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency

“Crypto” “Bitcoin” “ICOs”. Fake & bubble OR Real & revolution? Let’s talk about how it works and you can get…

2/10 – Understanding Networks

People like information, but they like to share it too, it is a cool part of being human. Since computers…

4/10 – Understanding the Internet

Ahh, the internet, hard to imagine life without it even if we want to sometimes. Despite the central role it…

9/10 – Understanding Encryption

Can you think of life before email? Before telephones? In fact, I wonder what dating was like in the middle…